Sunday, September 23, 2012



Spent a great few days chillin in McCall, ID.   My seat post had unexpectedly loosened and I hadnt realized it for a while I guess - which brought havoc upon my knees.   Problem fixed but the lingering swelling and pain took its toll.    Decided to bail on my super spring loop tour as it involved a lot of climbing on dirt roads and put me out only 10 miles south of McCall after a good 120 miles of riding.    Oh, well - cannot do it all.

  Took a shortcut along some nice wide open spaces west of McCall to avoid going anywhere near Boise.   I am not a fan of cities and the traffic and congestion that it brings.  It seems that all of Idaho is burning and I managed to skirt yet another fire - smoky vistas have been a common theme lately.

Did manage to get in some nice open dirt roads on the way out of Idaho along the western border into Oregon.

Took the Kleinschmidt Grade down from Idaho into Hells Canyon Res which is the border between Idaho and Oregon - great two track steep grade descending a good 2000+ feet into the gorge.

Cooling off at the res - even here they have problems with gigantic carp fish populations. 

Just another sign of the obvious dry conditions and the constant fires burning in the area.

Crossed the old Oregon Trail route near Baker, OF, that the settlers took many many moons ago to reach new lands.   The original trail has been graded over and only a few tracts of the trail exist today.   Gives me flashbacks of playing the old game on my Apple IIGS so long ago.

Date:  September, 18, 2012
Weather:   Hot as Balls
Health:   Bordering Insanity
Food:  1/8 Block Cheese; 5 pieces of bread, 2 packets of ramen noodles, 2 packets of mustard
Next Landmark:  Baker City, Oregon
Pace:   Extremely Fast
Rations: Meager
Miles Travel:   5000+

Somehow I stumbled upon one of America's first ever scenic Bikeway!     No way!     I was wondering why people had all of a sudden started waving at me and being so nice whilst passing the cyclist on the road.

Funny - I have no recollection of this scenic small sized tourist town....   hmmmm....

Very scenic canyon ride.   I really do miss the desert.  

Checking out the cool fossils that have been preserved in the heavily eroded volcanic ash that was deposited many many many many moons ago from the volcanic activity in the nearby Cascade Mountains.

Shh,....   sunrise after steal camping in the park.   

This is one fossil that I am SOOO  thankful did not become extint - The Chocolate family flower.

Easter Oregon reminds me of the deserts of Utah and the south western states.   This state really has a lot to offer!    I luv OR!

Meet Tony - the way cool retired police offer that decided to make a life change and cycle across the states.   He just got a new hip less than a year ago and here he is pushing it up an exhausting hill.   Way to go!

The painted hills are another branch of the John Day National Monument.   

The colors were spectacular in the late afternoon glow.  

All the hill sides are actually made up of clay that shrinks after the extreme heat of the area evaporates all the moisture - leaving this weird popcorn like topography.

Being silly

Enjoying the colors!

This is what happens when you shear the bolt of your rack.   Fearing that too much weigh will cause the other bolts to break resulting in a catastrophic failure of the rack - I decided to put everything in my backpack and cycle the remaining 60 miles to Bend.    That really made for a sore bum.

Well - all ended well.  I am here in Bend, Oregon chillin with my good friend from Boulder - Rebecca.   Will spend a few days here with her until returning to the road early this week to carry onto the coast and south to San Diego, CA.   

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