Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Just a quickie with a few photos....   spent a wonderful day in Whitehorse.   Stayed with Philippe - a warmshowers host for a night.   He is a master bike mechanic and artist to boot - check out his amazing cycle dome!    Met up with the crazy Argentinean cyclists back from a 3000+ concert hitchhike and after a few bumps headed south along the ALCAN.

Pretty impressive, eh?

Yup - that is a sheep head atop a pile of bike tubes - Philippe just got back from a successful hunt!   Goat burgers are pretty tasty!

Common mode of transport up here!

After a delay leaving Whitehorse we - the Argentinian cyclists and I cycled the 40km south to Marsh Lake where Peter (fellow Wisconsinite and warmshowers host) was awaiting us with cold beers!  

Peter offered to take us down the lake on his homemade houseboat to camp out on a nice piece of beach.

Frank and Nico practice their Busking skills around the fire.

Chillin on the beach.

The group of us as we depart Peter's place.

Nothin like waiting out the rain in the underpass.

Beautiful stretch of highway!   This is just over the continental divide -all my pee will draining in to the Arctic Ocean!

Riding late into the evening when the colors are spectacular!

The signpost forest in Watson Lake.  

Been taking my time getting to Watson Lake but hope to hunker down and get some miles in before the snow and cold weather set in.   I will be heading south along the ALCAN highway for the next 1000km or so until I get to Dawson City - my next major town.   Heading out of the Yukon for British Columbia and Alberta.  

Anywho - all is well!   Much luv and happy trails!

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